11th Annual NAPPC International Conference Recap
The 11th Annual NAPPC International Conference held at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this year's conference. Leading scientists, researchers, conservationists, agricultural experts, religious leaders and government officials from the United States, Canada and Mexico were gathered on October 25-27th for an intensive conference aimed at nurturing declining pollinator species vital to plant and food production.
Watch the live stream Open Symposium stream!
Check out a recap of the conference with pictures, media releases as well as our honorary hosts and sponsors.
Pollinator Advocate Awards

2011 NAPPC Pollinator Advocate Mexico
Dra. M. Isabel Ramirez
Monarch Butterfly Fund Mexico
Click here for press release
For over a decade Dra. Isabel Ramirez has been supporting an epic migration that spans a continent. Dra. Ramirez has taken a lead role in promoting and protecting critical overwintering habitat for monarch butterflies in Mexico. Her work with local citizens has preserved habitat and has given both the monarch butterflies and the community a second chance. Dra. Ramirez’s conservation action is supported by her research into how local land use change impacts the local climate at the Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Mexico.

2011 NAPPC Pollinator Advocate Canada
Clement Kent, Ph.D.
HSPT Pollinator Gardens Project
Dr. Kent founded the Pollinator Gardens Project to educate gardeners and the public about how they could help create and conserve habitat for these important species using native plants. This past year Dr. Kent envisioned and designed an indoor pollinator garden that was on display at “Canada Blooms”, the largest Garden Show in Canada, showing just how motivated he is for this cause. Dr. Kent’s demonstration pollinator gardens have been seen by thousands of people and have sparked interest in garden and beekeeping groups in other cities that want to create their own pollinator gardens.

Pollinator Conservation Award
Pete and Laura Berthelsen
Click here for press release
Peter and Laura Berthelsen have taken steps to help pollinators on their land in Elba, Nebraska, creating not only habitat but also an outdoor education classroom where people from across the state can see firsthand just how important pollinator habitat is. As a result, many other landowners have begun planting pollinator habitat on their own property. Peter also helped secure many of the pollinator planting guidelines present in new Conservation Reserve Program across the United States, doing significant work in Washington DC to ensure that pollinators remain a key concern for conservation programming. To this end Peter has served as a speaker at meetings across the country to help educate stakeholders and decision-makers about the importance of pollinators and pollinator habitat, working to help them use and implement Farm Bill provisions to better the landscape for pollinators.

2011 NAPPC Pollinator Advocate
Jimmy Brown
Energy United
Click here for press release
Jimmy Brown has worked to incorporate pollinator habitat development into the management practices of Energy United utility holdings in North Carolina, creating a network of potential pollinator habitat spanning more than 1000 miles. Brown and his staff have worked to educate their industry partners, stressing the importance of protecting and promoting the natural habitats for pollinators that run underneath overhead transmission wires and the positive impact that these small actions can have. Together Brown and his team are providing the community with an essential service, providing pollinators with essential habitat, and changing industry.

Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History Burt’s Bees Jasper Wyman & Son National Fish and Wildlife Foundation USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service USDA Agricultural Research Service USDA Forest Service USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
The Swanson Foundation US Geological Survey
Bayer CropScience Spring44
American Farm Bureau Federation BASF BeeAlive Dow AgroSciences Great Northern Roasting Häagen-Dazs Brand National Council of Farmer Cooperatives The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation TransCanada United States Golf Association Waste Management, Inc. Wildlife Habitat Council
The Almond Board of California American Beekeeping Federation American Seed Trade Association The Conservation Fund CropLife America Ducks Unlimited National Farmers Union The National Grange Nufarm Americas Inc. Valent USA Corporation
Blue Diamond Growers National Sunflower Association Spring44