Pollinator Story: Waste Management
Habitat loss and degradation are threatening populations of bees and other pollinators that are essential to our food crops and the world’s health. In Mexico’s forest last winter, there were 53% fewer monarch butterflies.
In response, WM has made a long-standing commitment to pollinator partnerships with schools, organizations and the community. These projects provide meaningful employee and community engagement that empower participants to protect pollinators and promote monarch conservation.
To further our efforts, we work with the NAPPC Pollinator Partnership’s Corporate Pollinator Ecosystem Project and participate in the North American Butterfly Count and the Highways Bettering the Economy and Environmental Pollinator Protection Act.
Today, WM participates in 63 pollinator protection projects including 16 that have achieved Wildlife Habitat Certification. These provide an opportunity for employees and the community to join conservation efforts. In Bucks County, PA, a team turned a grass field into a pollinator garden with 44 native plants. Since its inception, the multigenerational partnership has brought employees and community partners together for inquiry-based learning and Citizen Scientist monitoring opportunities. Each year, they identify an increasing number of pollinator species, recording a high of 59 in 2019.
Together, we’ll achieve results and promote pollinator protection, conservation and environmental protection.