Pollinator Partnership and NRCS Northeast
Lacey Smith, NRCS Partner Biologist Northeast

Lacey graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor’s in Environmental Geoscience and a Master’s degree in Forestry, with emphasis on understory biodiversity. After graduation, she worked as a Pollinator Specialist/Partner Biologist for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WV DNR) and USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). Lacey joined Pollinator Partnership in 2023 as the Northeast Regional Partner Biologist. In this role, she works in joint capacity with NRCS to promote, coordinate, and implement conservation efforts that relate to pollinator conservation (site visitations, creating native seed mixes, and planning for Wildlife Habitat Plantings, Tree/Shrub Establishment, Conservation Cover, and other pollinator related conservation practices) on private lands. Lacey also provides pollinator related educational outreach and training to NRCS staff, producers, partners, and landowners through in-person and virtual events for rural, agricultural, and urban agriculture environments. Lacey is located in central New York but provides assistance throughout the northeast.
Northeast Assistance Request FormNortheast Resources
Northeast Guide to Guides
This database aims to aggregate existing material to make information accessible to land managers and the public. This regionally-specific content is designed for easy navigation through a variety habitat types and specific goals across the country.
Environmental Quality Incentives Program Wildlife Habitat Opportunities
This document provides a breakdown of EQIP and how it can be used on working lands in New York State.
New York Tree and Shrub Guide
This document is shares information on the trees and shrubs that can support pollinators, providing landowners and land managers with the information needed to guide species selection when working in landscaping or woodland improvements.
New York Native Plant Vendors
A list of New York Native plant nurseries and their contact information organized by region compiled by P2 Northeast Regional Partner Biologist, Lacey Smith.
Northeast Ecoregional Planting Guides
Our ecoregional planting guides are tailored to specific areas of the United States. Below are some of the common eco-regions found in the western United States. Not sure which ecoregion to choose? You can find out which ecoregion you live in and get your free guide by entering your zip code here.