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National Pollinator Week 2011
June 20th - 26th, 2011
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Pollinator News
November 15, 2010
Volunteers Plant 500 Native Shrubs Along Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge
By Bob Schallmann, Conservation Program Manager at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach as part of Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest.
Naval Weapons Station and Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge (SBNWR) hosted a volunteer event on 16 October 2010 with the objective of restoring native vegetation to several acres of upper saltmarsh habitat and adjacent upland habitat.
The project included removal of invasive plants, preparing the land for restoration, and planting native plants. These upland restoration areas provide habitat and shelter for state and federally-listed endangered bird species, numerous pollinator species, and a wide variety of mammals, amphibians, birds, and reptiles. They also provide a buffer between wetland habitat and agricultural lands.
The Navy and the Fish and Wildlife Service relied heavily on the Friends of SBNWR to assist in the coordination, planning, and implementation of this project. National Public Lands Day proved once again to be an ideal opportunity to involve community volunteers in the upland restoration adjacent to the refuge wetlands. The restoration areas were previously covered in non-native vegetation such at Fountain Grass, Fennel, and Hottentot Fig. The Navy was responsible for the removal of these invasives, clearing the way for soil preparation work by the Friends group. Volunteers from public and community groups, recruited by the Navy and the Friends, planted 500 native shrubs and flowers in the prepared area. To read more, click here.
Wednesday, October 21, VIP Reception: Agriculture and Pollinators
5:00 to 7:00 PM at the
American Farm Bureau Federation
600 Maryland Avenue, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20024
To view invitation and all details click here
To RSVP click rsvp@pollinator.org
Thursday, October 22, NAPPC Public Session Presentations
Open to the media and the public
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1st Floor Conference Center
Potomac Yard
2777 Crystal City
Arlington, VA 22202
To view invitation and all details click here
To RSVP click rsvp@pollinator.org
Thursday, October 22, VIP Reception: Pollinators of the Americas
5:00 to 7:00 PM at the
Organization of American States
17th Street & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
To view invitation and all details click here
To RSVP click rsvp@pollinator.org
October 21-23 9th International NAPPC Meeting
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Please contact us at info@pollinator.org or 415-362-1137 for further information.
San Francisco Plants a Victory Garden with Pollinators in Mind
This July folks gathered in downtown San Francisco to plant a garden right in front of city hall. The garden contains organic vegetables, herbs and other native plants. Food grown in the garden will be donated to those with limited access to healthy produce through a partnership with local food banks and meals programs. The Pollinator Partnership happily donated pollinator friendly plants from Annie's Annuals.
Film Highlights Importance of Bees
Each year, the Media That Matters Film Festival features a new collection of socially conscious short films created by independent and youth filmmakers from across the globe. The films are used worldwide via the internet, DVD, broadcast and as part of one of our hundreds of screenings. One of this year's films selected films is Every Third Bite, a doccumentry about CCD and the plight of the bees.
Every Third Bite
USA | 8:53 | Documentary | Directed & Produced by The Meerkat Media Collective In the past few years, millions of bees have disappeared from their hives. More than just a honey matter, the lives of bees are connected to us and our ecosystems in more ways than we can count. GOOD FOOD AWARD SUPPORTED BY CLIF BAR FAMILY FOUNDATION & W.K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION
“Pollinators, the Future of Food and Biodiversity”
An Intimate Dinner with E.O. Wilson
The Pollinator Partnership was fortunate to have an opportunity to host Dr. E.O. Wilson and a small group of guests at the Intercontinental Hotel, Boston for dinner and discussion on “Pollinators and the Future of Food and Biodiversity.” Dr. Wilson has been the subject of PBS specials, won several Pulitzer Prizes and been awarded the Crafoord Prize, the scientific equivalent of the Nobel Prize. He is one of the great conservation thinkers of the 21st century, and also one of the most beloved individuals in science for his down-to-earth nature and his keen wit and humor. It was an evening to be remembered. (PDF)
E.O. Wilson on "A child experiencing nature with their hands" from MokuZoku on Vimeo.
“Pollinators, the Future of Food and Biodiversity” An Intimate Dinner with E.O. Wilson from MokuZoku on Vimeo.
About E.O. Wilson

Edward Wilson has been lauded as one of the greatest conservation thinkers of the 21st century. His groundbreaking research, original thinking, and scientific and popular writing have changed the way humans think of nature, and our place in it. Currently he is a research professor and museum curator at Harvard University. Ed is also one of the most beloved individuals in science for his down-to-earth nature and his keen wit and humor.
Wilson has received more than 100 awards from around the world including; the National Medal of Science, two Pulitzer Prizes for Non-fiction (for On Human Nature and, with Bert Hölldobler, The Ants), the Crafoord Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (given by the Academy in fields of science it does not cover by the Nobel Prize). In 1995 he was named one of the 25 most influential Americans by Time Magazine, and in 2000 one of the century’s 100 leading environmentalists by both Time and Audubon Magazine.
Visit these site to learn more about E.O. Wilson
Pollinator articles
San Francisco Chronicle, June 27, 2008
National Wildlife Magazine, June/July 2008
Homestead Magazine, Spring 2008
Martha Stewart LIVING, June 2008
June 26, 2008 - Congressional Hearing on Pollinators
Pollinator Week 2008 Archive
4th Annual NAPPC WHC Pollinator Protection Award presented by NAPPC and Wildlife Habitat Council
American Electric Power Company, Southwestern Electric Power Company won the NAPPC WHC Pollinator Protection Award this year for its pollinator work at its Flint Creek Power Plant in Gentry, AR. Photos coming soon.For more information, visit http://www.wildlifehc.org/pollinatorpractices/award.cfm
4th Annual NAPPC WHC Pollinator Protection Award presented by NAPPC and Wildlife Habitat Council
American Electric Power Company, Southwestern Electric Power Company won the NAPPC WHC Pollinator Protection Award this year for its pollinator work at its Flint Creek Power Plant in Gentry, AR. Photos coming soon.For more information, visit http://www.wildlifehc.org/pollinatorpractices/award.cfm
Pollen Nation
Pollen Nation follows one migratory beekeeper and a semi-load full of honeybees from Minnesota to California. It's a science documentary disguised as an American road movie, and also the first film to take a look at the phenomenon of industrialized pollination, and the way it is beginning to unravel with dire consequences for all of us. Check out the website for more: www.pollennationthemovie.com
Scientists Discover A Potential Cause of CCD
Click here to learn more about the recent discoveries about Colony Collapse Disorder and what you can do to help. Read the article in Bloomberg.com Read the article in Science Express
A Call for "Pollination" of Farm Bill Conservation Title
Calls for pollinator-beneficial enhancements to the Conservation Title in comments have been filed at the April 19th conservation hearing held by the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research. Click here for more information.
1st NAPPC Satellite Meeting in Mexico was a Big Success
NAPPC-Mexico Meeting Agenda
Participant Abstracts
Go to the NAPPC website to join the discussion group (in Spanish)
The National Academy of Sciences Study on the Status of Pollinators in North America is now available
Press Release Full Report Report Brief
U.S. Senate passes a Resolution to protect pollinators and designates June 24-30, 2007 National Pollinator Week
Recognizing the importance of pollinators to ecosystem health and agriculture in the United States and the value of partnership efforts to increase awareness about pollinators and support. Press Release National Pollinator Week Proclamation Senate Resolution 580
USDA Secretary of Agriculture Signs Proclamation in Support of National Pollinator Week
Secretary Mike Johanns recognized the significance of the services provided by pollinating species and of building awareness of their importance in land and resource management. USDA Pollinator Proclamation
U.S. Postal Service introduces a "Pollination" stamp series for release in June 2007
USPS Press Release, "Pollination" The USPS 2007 Commemorative Stamp Series